One of the BANKSETA’s
corporate strategies is that of Youth Development. The BANKSETA offers various vocational education and training programmes to bridge the gap between structured learning and work experience in the banking and inclusive banking industry. The BANKSETA has partnered with various institutions of higher learning and the banking sector to facilitate theory and workplace practice into qualifications that are registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
Learnerships have been identified as one of the best vehicles to build skills for both the employed and unemployed based on a unique feature that a learnership is an occupationally-based learning programme that combines structured theory and practical experience and leads to a registered qualification by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Learnerships place emphasis on practical work exposure and are linked to specific occupations to ensure relevance and sustainability
Kuyasa Post Graduation Learnerships
The BANKSETA has identified the need to provide funding for post-graduate learners through a youth development intervention aimed at recruiting unemployed graduates in order for them to further their studies and to expose them to the world of work.
The duration of the learnership is 1 Year. Registered employers will host the learner(s) and making provision for training, workplace coaching and leaner support. Training is linked to a registered skills programme. Successful completion of the Learnership programme results in registered
The duration of the learnership is 1 Year. Registered employers will host the learner(s) and making provision for training, workplace coaching and leaner support. Training is linked to a registered skills programme. Successful completion of the Learnership programme results in the achievement of a NQF5 in banking service advice qualification.
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