Call for Database Registration as Examination Invigilator & Examination Assistant temporary positions
South West Gauteng TVET College (SWGC) is in the process of registering and recruiting suitably qualified individuals as approved examination invigilators & Examination Assistant. These are temporary posts and appointments are done when assessments and examination are to be conducted.
The successful applicants shall be trained on examination duties per the policy and other applicable examination related instructions and will be remunerated per DHET approved rates.
Minimum Requirements:
- South African citizen.
- Grade 12 or NC (V) Level L4 and N6 or higher certificate (NQF L5 & higher) qualifications to invigilate NC (V).
- Grade 12 or NC (V) Level 4 and NQF L6 (3 years Diploma & higher) qualifications to invigilate Rep 191.
- You must be currently unemployed (unemployed/retired teachers, unemployed graduates (TVET & University), respected members of the society with relevant experience and/or qualifications)
- Must not be in an internship / learnership program
- Must not be a registered student in a TVET College.
(A) Distribution Point Examination Assistants: REF: DPEA/01/2023
Your specific examination related duties will include but will not be limited to the following:
(a) Assisting and providing administrative support and execute delegated duties by the Distribution Point Supervisor during the examinations period and ensure the credibility thereof.
(b) To give support to the Distribution Point Officials and to ensure administrative efficiency.
(c) Assist the Distribution Point Officials in ensuring that question Paper bags are stored in their correct section in the strong room, that the correct number of question Papers have been delivered.
(d) Assist the Distribution Point Officials in ensuring that Answer Sheet bags delivered from the Examination Centres are of the correct number and are delivered timeously.
(e) Execute any other tasks delegated to you by the College Distribution Point Officials.
NB! Above positions are available at Technisa & George Tabor campuses.
(B) Campus Examination Assistants:REF: CEA/01/2023
Your specific examination related duties will include but will not be limited to the following:
(a) You will be involved, in the main, on the examination administrative tasks:
(i) Provide General Assistants in moving examination material.
(ii) To ensure quality and to assist in checking marks, transferring of marks to mark sheets and batching scripts according to mark sheets.
(iii) Will perform administrative tasks allocated to them by the Examination Officer and /Marking Centre Manager.
(b) You will also be allocated specific duties and will:
(i) Ensure that the mark on the front cover of the script is transferred correctly to the correct
candidate on the mark sheet of the particular centre/subject/level/grade.
(ii) All the candidates’ scripts on the mark sheet are batched with the mark sheet.
(iii) Assist the Chief Marker in ensuring that they have received all scripts and mark sheets as per the control list.
(iv) Assist Markers in checking that the addition of marks for subsections of questions is correct and that the total was correctly transferred to the front cover.
NB! The above positions are available at the following campuses:
Molapo, Dobsonville, George Tabor; Roodepoort; Roodepoort West &
(C) External Invigilators: REF: EI/01/2023
duties will include but will not be limited to the following:
(a) Ensure that every candidate produces his or her admission permit and an official South African identity book/card, driver’s license or passport on admission to the examination room, that is, the Candidates’ student cards will not be acceptable for identification purposes. You are expected to enforce this admission requirement rigorously.
(b) Be responsible for supervising that candidates take their seats at least thirty (30) minutes before the commencement of the examination session. You are expected to be present in the examination room from the time the examination room opens for candidates until the end of the session.
(c) Prohibited to allow candidates to enter the examination room after an hour has elapsed.
(d) Not allow a candidate to leave the examination room during the first hour, nor the last 15 minutes of the examination session.
(e) Not allow any candidate to take a cell phone or any unauthorised electronic equipment into the examination room and will allow only non-programmable scientific calculators into the examination room.
(f) Ensure that during an examination session, only candidates who registered for the examination, the Invigilator/s, the Chief Invigilator and an authorised representative of the College and Department of Higher Education and Training may be present.
(g) Open the examination question paper envelopes in front of the candidates and remain in the examination room after ensuring that the question paper the candidates are writing corresponds with the examination timetable of the session and the date.
(h) Before the examination commences, you must draw all candidates’ attention to the following:
(i) The main instructions on the examination timetable and on the answer scripts.
(ii) Candidates must hand in all answer scripts or any other answer sheets at the conclusion of the examination session. Invigilators will not consider any exceptions to this rule.
(i) After distributing the examination question papers to candidates, you should instruct the candidates to check the examination question paper, page by page, to ensure that on each page:
(i) The number of the page is correct.
(ii) The name of the examination question paper is the same on each page.
(iii) Check that all the diagrams are clear on each page, where applicable.
(j) On no account, you may read any question or part of a question aloud to a candidate or draw attention to any error the you have observed in any of the examination question papers unless an erratum is included in the examination question paper. You should not respond to any enquiry from a candidate in a manner that may be regarded as an explanation of the question.
(k) In an emergency, you must supervise a candidate temporarily leaving the examination room.
(l) Check against a control list (mark sheet) that every candidate received the correct examination question paper for the subject for which the candidate is registered.
(m) Move about continually in the examination room without disturbing the candidates.
(n) Report any candidate contravening the rules and Regulations of the examination without delay to the Chief Invigilator.
(o) Ensure that the candidate’s writes his or her examination number that appears on his or her timetable at the top of each examination answer script and at the top of each loose sheet of paper the candidate uses during the examination.
Applicants must submit a fully completed Application form, detailed CV, Certified copies of Identity document and qualifications.
NB! The above positions are available at the following campuses:
Molapo, Dobsonville, George Tabor; Roodepoort; Roodepoort West &
Applications should be submitted at SWGC Molapo Head Office or posted to Human
Resource at the following address:
South West Gauteng TVET College Head Office
1822A Molele Street, C/o Koma Road & Molele Street
Molapo, Soweto,1801
Enquires: Ms Molebatsi Contact details: 010 141 1054
NB: Applications to be submitted to HR unit. Attention ASD:HR, Mr Khuse
Closing Date for submission of applications: (27 September 2023, @12H00)
The College reserves the right not to fill the advertised positions. Any applications received after the above-mentioned date will not be considered. Due to large volumes of applications expected, the College will not acknowledge receipt of applications. If you do not receive any response within the three (3) months from the date of the advertisement, kindly accept that your application was unsuccessful. Successful applicants will not be reimbursed for costs incurred during traveling to and from the Examination Centres and/or Nodal Point (s) when performing their duties.